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The French in a quest for meaning in their buying


Consumption survey: toward more meaning


The fourth edition of the food barometer in France, made by the CREDOC1, at the request of the Secretary of Food, Agriculture and Fishing, clearly shows that after 2008, a year of restrictions and crisis, French customers are spending again but express their desire to give meaning to their purchases.


Ethical criteria are acclaimed. Quality of food, guarantees regarding respect for the environment, breeding conditions (animal well-being) and production proximity (locally grown foods) are  improving.


The 2009 survey records a 4% increase in the proportion of customers who declare willingness to pay a higher price for products made by those who respect the environment and the well-being of animals.

2% more are also in favor of buying products from the fair trade.


There is also a new trend of consumption appearing: fulfilling oneself through buying products that support sustainable development.


This study confirms lots of other surveys from around the world: the customer (heavy) trend points toward a quest for meaning. And also, toward a demand for being considered as human beings, not exclusively viewed as buyers of products and services.


Another interesting point is the return to culinary traditions (almost 52%), as well as a desire to pass on these traditions to the next generation. However the 15-25 year-old youth still see cooking as a chore. The 50-plus easily do their shopping at the farm or at the market. Though shopping at a supermarket remains in first position (94%), the trend continues to increase toward markets and little shops, like toward farm products.

The trigger? Trust!

Eric Jaffrain



1: CREDOC = Center of Research for the Study and Observation of Life Conditions (French)

This survey preceded a conference for new consumption, on January, 12, 2010, with the center of research « Markets, Organizations, Institutions and Agents Strategies » (UMR Moisa) and the National Council for Food (CNA), in Montpellier (Montpellier Campus SupAgro INRA), a conference entitled « Durability, Identity and Food ».

Eric Jaffrain - rue du Château - CH-1063 Chapelle-sur-Moudon - info@marketing-non-marchand.ch
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